Home 9 News 9 Saving with Solar Panels

Saving with Solar Panels

25 June 2024

Breyer has swapped the usual diesel generator for a solar-powered one at our site in Broxbourne, where we’re delivering energy efficiency improvements for B3 Living properties across the borough of Broxbourne.

The generator swap was made with a view to reducing our carbon footprint and lowering costs. And the results are even better than we’d expected!

Over the past 3 months, we’ve saved:

  • over 8,000 kg in carbon, which is the equivalent weight of an African elephant. We would need to plant 200 trees to offset this amount of carbon!
  • £4.5k, which is the equivalent cost of heating 5 3-bed homes for a year or a week’s all-inclusive holiday for 2 in the Maldives!

Ben How, Director of Decarbonisation and Sustainability for Breyer Group, comments:

“Our trial run of solar-powered welfare units has been a real success. The plan is to roll out environmentally-friendly welfare units across all Breyer sites over the coming months, with solar panel and biofuel options currently being tested for impact.

“The Breyer Group is working on making all sites as green as possible, with a view to being carbon neutral by 2030. The welfare unit change is one of many sustainable initiatives that we’re looking to implement across the business. Elsewhere we’re currently introducing electric vehicles.”