Breyer is always busy making improvements to homes and communities in the South and South East, as well as delivering life-changing community investment projects.
Check out our latest news below to find out what we’ve been up to most recently:
Breyer Secures Positions on SEC Multi-Million Pound Framework
Breyer is delighted to have gained places on Lots 3 and 4 of the South East Consortium’s multi-million-pound Internal & External Building Works Framework. With work predominantly allocated...
Breyer Partners with Talent-Focused Taskforce
With concerns around the skills gap in the property services and construction sectors ever-growing, Breyer is constantly looking for new effective ways to secure new talent. This is why our Head of...
Celebrating Apprenticeship Success
Supporting apprenticeships is one important way that Breyer seeks to increase youth employment and meet the industry skills shortage. It also plays a key part in our plans to generate a sustainable,...
Breyer Appoints New Director of Renew
Neil Vandenberghe has joined Breyer Group as the new Director of Renew, after existing Director John Walsh stepped down to pursue another role. Neil joins Breyer from United Living where he worked...
Praise Where Praise is Due
We love it when our residents are happy with our work and it is truly rewarding when the feedback we receive is 10 out of 10 across the board, as it has been at one of our Roofing projects recently....
Transforming Holly House
We’re looking forward to giving Holly House and other properties in Hounslow a facelift over the coming weeks. Our Renew team will soon be undertaking £1.9m of EWI replacement, window upgrades,...
Foundation Golf Day is a Hit!
The Breyer Foundation Golf Day has been a resounding success for the 12th time, with over £11,000 raised for the many good causes the charity supports. This year’s annual golfing event took place on...
New Handbooks for Breyer Residents
Residents having planned maintenance works carried out by one of our Roofing, Repair or Renew teams will soon be receiving one of our new Resident Information Packs, including a Handbook with...
Breyer Repair Focuses on Growing Talent
We’re delighted to have welcomed Parry Dubois to the Breyer Repair team earlier this month. He’ll be shadowing us as a handyman and will initially be shadowing one of our operatives as part of a...